Baptisms Fall 2015
This fall we got to celebrate 14 baptisms and share stories of how the grace of God brings us from death to life! Take a look at what we witnessed and rejoice with us in the saving power of Jesus!
"This proclamation is a symbol of Jesus ripping off the mask I’ve been wearing for way too long, allowing me to experience full freedom in who He is rather than who I fail to be." -Haylee Bowden

"I can tell you that I am not perfect but He is. I can tell you there is a place for you. I can tell you that God’s love is abundant. I can tell you that you don’t have to worry if you think you aren’t “worthy” because you aren’t, and that is okay; He is!" -Hannah Stanton

"I used to be ashamed to share my testimony. Today, in an overwhelming example of God’s grace, I have been able to dedicate my daughter, share my testimony, and be baptized by my husband." -Charity Robinson

"God reached down and saved me by grace, and I believe the only way it was possible is through what the gospel says: Christ died that I might live." -Jake Paleschic

"I felt the Holy Spirit come over me, ceased to doubt, and met the Lord. I realized for the first time how much I am loved and how much I need Jesus." -James Korn