Pushing back darkness in Fort Worth
We are a city on a hill that displays the light of the gospel in the midst of darkness (Mat. 5:14).
Mobilizing, equipping, and supporting our city through mercy and justice ministries. Developing Internal initiatives and external partnerships to provide sustainable, holistic solutions to support and meet the needs of our city.
Mobilize the Church
Equip the Church
Support Our City
As a people of God, made in His image, we are called to care for the orphan. Most of us automatically think of adoption and foster care as the means of doing so; however, allow me to further the pressure on you, it is but a means of caring for the fatherless. God, in His sovereignty, has created a multitude of avenues for you to be obedient his call to care for the orphans.
Foster & adoption
Embrace Grace at The Paradox Church aims to help the Church body serve single, pregnant women through practical and spiritual means as well as provide a welcoming family for the women to find, know and follow Christ. Our goal is to meet the women where they are at, aid in practical needs so that spiritual needs can be met, walk alongside them and show them how much God loves them and present the Gospel to them in a clear way.
embrace grace
Ladera Kids exists to see children transformed by the glory and grace of Jesus by partnering with refugee families and cultivating lasting, Gospel-centered relationships through play, Bible studies, and mentorship. Join us!
The Net addresses sex trafficking and exploitation and supports survivors because everyone is worthy of the chance to rebuild their lives. We serve survivors of trafficking in North Texas through empowering programming fueled by virtuous relationships. Rather than only providing material relief or hand-outs, we restore dignity through community and relationships while providing the support necessary for individuals to become independent and valued members of society.
Fort Worth
The Fort Worth Pregnancy Center empowers you with the information and support you need to make a decision about your pregnancy and next steps.
DASH Network (DFW Asylum Seeker Housing) is a nonpartisan, Christian nonprofit that exists to fill the gap for those seeking asylum by providing food, housing and equipping services while they wait for their work permit. DASH services are designed to meet basic physical needs for shelter and food, while providing holistic support such as friendship, social services, ESL education, legal assistance, and community connections.
DASH Network

We Love Fort Worth. We Love Jesus.
“But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.” (Jeremiah 29:7)
We Love Fort Worth is a City Engagement ministry of The Paradox Church seeking radical justice for the oppressed and compassion for the poor. A love that flows from the love of Christ himself and the compassion he has shown us. “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8)
Jesus came to proclaim good news to the poor, freedom to the captives, recovering of sight to the blind, and freedom for all who are oppressed (Luke 14:18-21). He let a prostitute wash his feet with her hair, he touched lepers, he welcomed tax-collectors. He takes what is broken and redeems it, he meets people where they are at and leads them out of darkness into his marvelous light.